HTEEC strives to provide an environment and instruction that supports each child's intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual growth.
The research-backed "Creative Curriculum" framework uses play-based teaching strategies to support each child's optimal development based on their interests and needs.
Lessons based on the framework balance child-initiated and teacher-guided learning in a variety of content areas including...
We also use the Handwriting Without Tears program to help children develop skills necessary for handwriting. It is a hands-on approach that is play-based, allowing children to develop these skills at a pace that's age appropriate.
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is an approach to the religious education of children with presentations based on the Bible and liturgy. This approach to nurturing the faith life of children evolved from children themselves. It is based on the conviction that God and the child are already in a relationship; the task before us is to help the child deepen that relationship.
All preschool aged classes (3 -5) attend the Atrium (CGS) one day per week. An atrium is a carefully prepared environment where great truths about our faith are placed before the children to satisfy their spiritual needs in age-appropriate ways.
CGS is facilitated by catechists who receive 90+ hours of training before leading a class. A modified program is brought to the two and two and half year-old program’s classrooms. Age appropriate presentations, songs and materials are introduced to them in their own classroom environment. As the year progresses they may visit the Atrium to become familiar with the environment. Parents are welcome and encouraged to volunteer as CGS assistants for their child's classroom.