As of 2/11/25: WAITLIST ONLY for all 4-year-old half-day, extended day, and early pick up programs. Limited availability in 2, 3, and TK programs.
Enrollment is on a first-come first-serve basis for any remaining spots beginning February 10, 2025. Enrollment closes on May 16th, 2025 or when full, whichever comes first.
The enrollment form can be accessed by clicking the red button below.
We are unable to accept new enrollees to our 2025 summer program.
School-aged attendees of the 2024 summer program can enroll on a first-come first-serve basis for any remaining summer spots by clicking the red button below. Please note that spaces are extremely limited. The school-aged summer program will run for two "sessions" beginning on June 2nd and July 7th, respectively. Families may choose to attend one - or both- of the sessions. Please see the registration form for more details.